Family Nutrition: The Importance of Family Dinner

on November 30, 2011

Celebrate Family Time During Mealtime

Maryam Malekian, MS, Registered Dietitian

These days, eating together as a family at the same time is not easy due to our hectic family schedules. Yet, as parents, it is important to know that eating together as a family gives kids comfort and confidence in their day. Creating time to sit down and have a family meal doesn't have to be a chore. Find simple recipes that are quick and easy to make. Don't be stressed or pressured to make a formal meal. The most important thing is being together as a family. We have some simple to implement suggestions to help you get started!
Benefits of Family Dinner:
According to research, sharing family dinner on a routine basis is associated with improved children’s health and stronger family bonds. Also, children who are familiar with their family culture and history, through family meals, had a closer relationship to family members, higher self-esteem, and a greater sense of control over their own lives. Studies show that families, who sit together for mealtime at least 3 or 4 times a week, benefit in many ways.
  • Open communication: One of the benefits of eating meals together is to achieve open communication and build stronger and healthier family relationships. For younger children, having routine family meals can provide a sense of security and a feeling of belonging in the family.
  • Better Academic Performance: According to new research, students who eat with their families three to five times a week are more likely to get better grades in school and much less likely to have substance abuse problems. Family meal is valuable for children. It allows them to have better language skills since they hear adult conversations around the table.
  • Better Nutrition: According to a Harvard study "children who ate family dinners more frequently had more healthy eating habits”, even when they are not at home. They also typically "consume more vegetables, fruit and juice, and less soda."
  • Better Knowledge of Family Culture: In general, family meals reflect the ethnic, cultural, or religious heritage of the family. What the family eats, how they eat, and when they eat is a representation of family’s cultural identity. As children eat together with their family, they begin to learn more about their culture and their family's history.
Fun Healthy Foods Conversation Cards

    Working with our partners at we have created some fun conversation cards to help you have a very fun conversation with children about healthy foods.
    Chef Solus Fun and Healthy Conversational Cards
    With just a little creativity and imagination you will have kids sharing their ideas about healthy foods!
  • A presidential invitation to activity!
  • Destination Moon -What foods would you take?
  • Name that Nutrient Game
  • Download your free copy! Chef Solus Family Dinner Card Game
Overcoming Challenges to Family Dinner:
Scheduling Challenge- For most of us, getting everyone in the house at the same time to eat together can be very challenging.
Here are some strategies to help you overcome the scheduling conflict.
  • ✰ Try to say NO to late afternoon meetings. Children often get ignored when parents are extremely involved with community/school committees or organizations. Just remember, if you don’t attend some meetings, your community will not disintegrate.
  • ✰ Try not to over schedule your children. If your kid’s schedules are so busy that you’re always in a rush and have to eat dinner in the car on the way to the next activity, it’s time to reconsider
  • ✰ Try to avoid all or nothing rule. Although, you might not be able to have a family dinner every night, it’s important to plan several nights each week that you can eat as a family together.
Finding Time For Family Meals
Time Challenge- Time is certainly one of the major obstacles to families gathering at mealtime. The key to making a family dinner is to plan! Here are some practical tips to help you make time for family meals:
  • Plan your meals ahead of time. Making a weekly meal plan and keeping your pantry and freezer stocked up can save a lot of time. Create a shopping list and make the time to go to the grocery store on a weekend. It will be much easier to make dinner, if you know what you want to make and you have all the ingredients in the house.
  • Crock-pot cooking. If you’re working late, check out some healthy crock pot recipes, or cook a bit more on the weekends and freeze meals in individual portions.
  • Make it simple. A healthy home-made meal doesn’t have to take hours. Grilled chicken and veggies only takes half an hour to make and is an enjoyable meal.
  • Engage kids in meal prep for family dinner. Children are more likely to eat better when they help with meal preparation responsibilities like setting the table or stirring a batter. Most kids enjoy being involved in the cooking process. Admire their efforts! Being engage in cooking healthy meals at an early age can improve long term cooking skills and encourage a healthier lifestyle.
Easy Family Meal Recipes You might be wondering what are the best recipes for a quick family meal. Here are some meal ideas.
Family meal time is also a wonderful opportunity to share experiences with each other. Children learn a great deal of eating habits, family attitudes and values when you sit down as a family. Meal time is important family time that will help your child in so many ways. Keep it simple and enjoy each other, that is what it is all about!
