Safe Food Handling and Storage Tips

Another Simple Healthy Lifestyle for Student

1. Get Plenty of Sleep
Eight hours of sleep is essential to a healthy lifestyle. “Recent studies have shown that adequate sleep is essential to feeling awake and alert, maintaining good health and working at peak performance,” says Dr. Epstein. “After two weeks of sleeping six hours or less a night, students feel as bad and perform as poorly as someone who has gone without sleep for 48 hours.” (American Academy of Sleep Medicine).Sleep recharges you and gets you ready to overcome the daily stresses of being a student. If it’s hard for you to get sleep at night try to take at least one 30 minute nap during the day.
Maintaining Your Healthy Lifestyle as Student
Nutrition Matters
Your student should eat as healthy as possible, aiming for at least four servings of fruit and five servings of vegetables every day. Encourage her to choose whole grains, low-fat dairy products and lean sources of protein, such as turkey, instead of full-fat foods. Show her how to pay attention to proper portion sizes. Stock up on healthy foods such as low-fat yogurt, carrot sticks and apples so that a healthy snack is always available when your student gets hungry.Healthy Habits as Student
Without careful attention to your diet, you could end up putting on the freshman 15 and more. Follow these tips to help keep your diet healthy and beneficial.
1. Learn proper portion size.
To avoid eating too much of even the healthiest foods, keep track of how much you're eating. For most people, meat servings should be about the size of a deck of cards and other servings vary by the type of food.Morning Bad Habits That Can Wreck Your Day
You Drink Coffee Too Early
Is there really a bad time for coffee? Yup. Energy levels rise naturally when you first wake up, so drinking coffee then causes an extra energy surge that can leave you jittery, says Steven Miller, a Ph.D. candidate in neuroscience at the Uniformed Services University of Health Sciences in Maryland. You’ll reap the most benefits from coffee if you save it for an hour after you’ve gotten out of bed. That’s when your energy levels begin to plummet, so coffee keeps them up well into the afternoon.
The Simple Thing In The Morning To Lose Weight

Researchers asked 54 participants, average age 30, to wear a wrist monitor that tracked their exposure to morning light for seven days straight. They also had them keep food diaries to record their caloric intake. As it turns out, the people who got more morning light had lower BMIs than those who got less—and that was regardless of their age, how active they were, and what they ate.
7 Smart Snack Swaps for a Healthy Body

Green Juice
What’s missing: Fiber. It’s definitely okay to drink a green juice as a snack if you’re not that hungry. Just make sure it’s made with more vegetables than fruit to help cut down on sugar and better manage your blood sugar.Supercharge it: For something with more staying power, turn that juice into a smoothie. In your blender (not juicer), mix leafy greens with diced fruit such as an apple and unsweetened nut milk or coconut water. “Smoothies contain the fiber and pulp of produce, which delays digestion and keeps blood sugar steady,” says registered dietitian Megan Roosevelt, founder of healthygrocerygirl.com.